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Last Updated: 2010/4/12
The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held its regular meeting on Thursday, April 8, 2009 at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.  Chairman Zang called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Present:  Richard Zang, Eugene Vetrano, Lou Carbone, Richard Conte, Carl Zencey
Absent:  Marianne Brown, Alan Shepard
Also Present:  Julio Segarra and Jason O’Brien of United Environmental Services Inc.
Public Participation – NONE
Approval of the minutes – The previously distributed minutes of the Special meeting of March 4,, 2010 were unanimously approved.
Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – 107 Church Hill is on United Water and being billed a flat rate by the WSA.  Dick Zang asked Carl Zencey to follow up with United Water to find out what properties on Church Hill are on their water line.  
Discussion of progress on mapping – tabled
Capital Needs Report – SCADA System – Dick Zang and Fred Hurley met with Fuss and O’Neill to discuss their contract per the authorization by the WSA last meeting.  They have not completely come to terms with what the contract is.  Next week Fred and Dick will iron out the details.  Jason from Fuss and O’Neil will start working with Julio Segarra next week.  Dick Zang asked Gene Vetrano to be the liaison for the Scada System with the WSA and the town.
4 Berkshire Read/22 Oakview Road – In the bonding for the high school, Oakview Road was included. There are 2 properties that boarder Oakview but are on Berkshire Road.  2 Berkshire Road hooked up to the sewer, 4 Berkshire did not.  There was a public hearing and legal notices printed in the Newtown Bee which determined what properties were mandated to hook up to the property.  Dick Zang stated that they would be responsible for the initial benefit assessment fee.   The previous owner received an order to connect.  Dick Zang will work with Fred Hurley on the property and report back to the WSA at the May meeting.
Homesteads/Woods Pump Station – Tabled
Correct Sewer Benefit Assessment for 105 Church Hill Road from $25,000 to $14,500Carl Zencey motioned to set the benefit assessment at 105 Church Hill Road for $14,500 amending the previous motion of December 3rd which incorrectly set the benefit assessment at $25,000.  Gene Vetrano seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
107 Church Hill Road – Mr. Burton sent a letter asking for a payment option for the $39,000 benefit assessment set by the Authority.  The assessment was broken down in 4 phases.  Phase I is $12,000, Phase II is $16,000, Phase III is $7,000 and Phase IV is $4,000.  He has asked to pay $13,000 for phase II, III and IV.  At this point, only phase I is complete so he only owes $12,000 for phase one.  Lou Carbone motioned to request that Fred Hurley notify Mike Burton that he owes $12,000 for the benefit assessment for phase one.  Gene Vetrano seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Report by United Water Environmental Services, Inc. – The month of March was very wet, but the plant ran relatively well.
Other Business – Gene Vetrano moved to authorize payment of $350 for the membership fees for Lou Carbone with WEF.  Rich Conte seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Having no further business, meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm
Attachments:    United Water Environmental Service, Inc. monthly report
        Letter from Mike Burton of 107 Church Hill Road